We’ll get to my road of recovery and I’ll share the photos of my progress along the way but first …
It all began with my sister softly laughing to herself.
I remember the laugh but don’t remember how I got her to tell me what was so funny.
“You’re but sticks out big time!”, she said.
I was twelve and up until then, I hadn’t really been aware of just how much my booty shot out behind me. And although at first I was just a little self-conscience about it – it became a REAL pain … literally.
Oh That Nagging Back Pain When Standing!
A few years went by and then my senior year of high school I got a job at TCBY (for those of you that haven’t acquainted yourself with The Country’s Best Yogurt – the name is a bit of an oversell). Anyway, I remember standing at the cash register for extended periods and OOOOhh boy that nagging pain in the lower back really started rearing its head. At the time I had no idea it had anything to do with anterior pelvic tilt. Heck! I hadn’t even heard of anterior pelvic tilt!
An Eventual Dangers of Leaving Pelvic Tilt Untreated – Digestive Pain, Bloating and Bacterial Overgrowth
Fast forward two years and I took a two-year mission trip to Norway. And unfortunately, that included a substantial amount of standing time every day. And the standing pain was TERRIBLE!
But did I do anything about my terrible standing pain?
And that was unfortunate because after a year of super annoying pain throughout almost every day I started suffering from some really painful digestive bloating when I ate ANYTHING.
And to make matters worse … I had no idea that my sway back and lower back pain could be contributing to these worsening digestive issues. And although I was now seeking medical help for the digestive pain and bloating – none of the doctors or health practitioners checked for or connected these two issues.
I Learned How To Relieve My Back Pain … And Stand Pain Free For Several Hours
So my life (and digestive issues) went on. And gratefully my Dad sent me a couple of pages of information on back exercises and stretches in hopes of relieving the pain.
Among the stretches was the lying down one-legged hamstring stretch with a strap or belt. And good golly did that feel nice! Not only did this stretch relieve pain instantly but if I was diligent about taking the time to thoroughly do the stretches for both legs – my entire day would go noticeably better.